时间:2020-04-10 12:11:34 来源:

1. 本品不适应于防护有害气体和蒸汽的呼吸防护用品。
2. 不造用于缺氧环境、水下作业、逃生和消防用呼吸用品。
1. 禁止改装和滥用本品。
2. 请勿靠近烟火。
3. 请勿用强力拉扯耳挂,否则,会导致其断裂。
4. 当面部胡须、毛发或者其他因素可影响面部与口罩之间密合性时,不能使用本产品。
1. 注意防水、防高温、防腐蚀性气体。
2. 避免阳光直射,存放在清洁、干燥和通风良好的室温环境下。

[Not Applicable]
1. This product is not suitable for respiratory protection against harmful gases and vapors。
2. This product is not suitable for hypoxic environment,underwater operation.escape and fire breathing supplies。
[Inspection Before Use]
Please check the packaging and product pefore use. Do not use when the packaging is damaged or the product is damaged.
1. Do not modify or abuse this product.
2. Do not get near smoke and fire.
3. Note:too strong pulling force will cause the earloop to break.
4. Do not use this product when facial beard,hair,or other factors can affect the adhesion between the face and the mask.
[Storage conditions]
1.Keep away from water,avoid high temperature,and corrosive environment.
2. Avoid direct sunlight,keep in clean,dry and well-ventilated room temperature.
3. Valid for 2 years.

版权所有: 甘肃成纪生物药业有限公司  销售热线:0938-2655892 销售经理:18693812928  邮编:741020
地址:甘肃省天水市麦积区二十里铺工业示范区 备案号:陇ICP备18003435号-1  甘公网安备 62050302000243号